Artist Information

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Change is ongoing at the gallery!

Your faithful blogger has been away from Pulse for the summer, and I'm now back in the Gallery enjoying discovering all the changes that have occurred during my sabbatical!  

We are delighted to welcome Wendy Kroeker as a talented artist new to the gallery.  She has a few new pieces at the gallery now, and will be bringing more in the near future.

The Beach Comber Restaurant

And as always, new art and artisan items are coming in daily.  It's worthwhile to stop in whenever you are at the Forks, or are looking for a unique made-in-Manitoba gift item.  The talent in this province is indeed something to be proud of, and something to promote.

Raku sculptures by Gary McKague

"It's a New Day", Anthony Steffes, wood turnings by Ted Van Den Heuvel,
"Comfortably Forgotten" metalwork by Chris Spilak (center), and
wood turnings by Ted Van Den Heuvel (left and right)