Artist Information

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Just in case you missed our Culture Days Schedule on Facebook, here it is again…!

September 27: Bill Shoup (clay) 1-3 pm; Genevie Henderson 3-5 pm
September 28: Wendy Seversen (chainmail) 1-3 pm; Bill Shoup (clay) 2-4 pm; Naomi Gerrard 3-5 pm
September 29: Genevie Henderson 1-3 pm; Bill Shoup (painting) 3-5 pm; Wendy Severse
n (chainmail) 2-4 pm
About Culture Days in Manitoba 
Culture Days invites everyone to explore, discover and participate in arts and culture in every community across the country. In 2012, the third annual Culture Days event took place in more than 850 Canadian cities and towns, with attendance topping 1.6 million Canadians. 

This year’s Culture Days weekend will take place on September 27, 28 and 29, 2013. Once again, the event will feature free, hands-on, interactive activities that invite the public to participate “behind the scenes”—and to discover the world of artists, creators, historians, architects, curators, and designers at work in their community.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Beauty by the Brushstroke - Kathleen Crosby

Winnipeg Artist Kathleen Crosby hosts her premiere exhibition at Pulse Gallery, throughout the month of October 2013.  The reception will be at Pulse Gallery on October 11, from 7-9 pm.  

Inline image 2 
Beauty by the Brushstroke
Pulse Gallery spoke with Kathleen Crosby about her upcoming exhibition  "Beauty by the Brushstroke".  When asked for a few words, Kathleen hesitates, and then says quietly, “I’m not a good explainer.”  For Kathleen, the creative process is an intensely emotional and spiritual one, and she mentions that it's difficult to speak about or even understand this aspect of one's self. 
When pressed, however, she haltingly attempts to give some insight into her processes.  "I am trying to encourage the viewer to take notice of the details, the deeper meanings of life.  Also, I want to show life’s energy—unseen energy of emotions, even the energy of what hope would be, the energy of love...  I want to put in what the eye can't see, what the heart knows.  It comes from the spirit and the heart."
Kathleen takes inspiration from nature in all its manifestations -- from physics, science, and the universe itself.  She speaks about trying to capture the cycle of life, and how everything connects together.   
Kathleen's work for the upcoming show is a combination of representational and abstract, including some architecture and landscape pieces. 
Winnipegger Kathleen Crosby fulfilled a lifelong desire when she began to paint professionally in 2007.  Kathleen continually researches, studies, and experiments at producing work that is complex and mysterious, while simultaneously emitting a sense of simplicity, beauty, colour, and joy. She also devotes time to teaching workshops to young aspiring artists.

Her works have been exhibited with the Manitoba Society of Artists and are owned in private collections throughout the country.  A triptych by Kathleen Crosby was unveiled this year in the lobby of the new Mental Health Crisis Response Centre at the Health Science Centre in Winnipeg.  Kathleen can usually be found painting in her Winnipeg Exchange District studio.  Her work can be viewed at Pulse Gallery in the Johnston Terminal at The Forks, Winnipeg.