Artist Information

Wednesday, 4 November 2015

New Artist, Reymond Pagé

Pulse Gallery is very pleased to present Reymond Pagé as a new artist to the gallery.

Reymond Pagé is a Winnipeg artist who for years was comfortably ensconced in the traditional medium of the very simple, very basic, pencil.
Although he spent three years in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba, he eventually recognized that drawing his professors instead of studying their formulae was not a recipe for a high GPA. As such, he is a graduate of the university's Fine Arts program.

After a transformative two hundred and seventy-five day journey around the world with his family, his work began to reflect the inspiration of that time, and evolved to include acrylic and oil painting, and moved to simpler realism and abstracts. 

Read more on Reymond's page...