Artist Information

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

A Pause in the Routine, Cindy Dyson

Lunch on Broadway, 42" x 48" acrylic on canvas

A Pause in the Routine

Selected works from October 1-31. 
Many more works and artist in attendance October 14, from 7-9 pm.

My fascination with everyday street scenes reflects my hope and struggle to believe that the most beautiful moments in life are not always as expected. Perhaps these precious times are all at once – mundane and frenzied, fragile and strong, peaceful and painful, sunny and dark.
I work with acrylic paint and palette knives. I find that the endlessness to the variety of mark I can make with these tools challenges and fascinates me. I love the physicality and range of the knife – aggressive slices, delicate dabs, focused scrapes and thick bold swaths of colour. The paint is so flexible - I can spray, splatter, blob and pour it. These qualities enable me to express a wide range of emotion in each piece.

I am greatly influenced by the European Impressionists. Their sensitive offerings physically and emotionally connect me to their 19th century world. My application of paint does not result in realistic representation. Rather, I am satisfied with a rough familiarity and mood of subject. My goal is to present an intriguing balance of roughness and tenderness; boldness and vulnerability, representation and expression.
Cindy Dyson 2016

Mid Day 42" x 48" acrylic on canvas

Friday, 2 September 2016

Countdown to Culture Days

We know it's a whole month away...but we are so excited...we wanted to make sure you put this event into your calendars!

Culture Days, October 1 & 2, we will be having demos from 1-4 pm.
Flaming Car, ceramic sculpture
Jordan Van Sewell

Organic Elements II
Leslie Franklin

Saturday, October 1st 1-4pm. 
Leslie Franklin shows us the magic of alcohol inks.
Jordan Van Sewell sculpts one of his quirky characters.

Moments of Grace
Genevie Henderson

            Sunday, October 2nd 1-4 pm.
Barb McCluskey demonstrates time honoured oil painting with a contemporary twist.
Genevie Henderson creates a tapestry of colour with acrylic paints.

Beyond the Deepwoods
Barb McCluskey