Artist Information

Reymond Pagé

Pulse Gallery is very pleased to present Reymond Pagé as a new artist to the gallery.

Reymond Pagé is a Winnipeg artist who for years was comfortably ensconced in the traditional medium of the very simple, very basic, pencil.
Although he spent three years in the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Manitoba, he eventually recognized that drawing his professors instead of studying their formulae was not a recipe for a high GPA. As such, he is a graduate of the university's Fine Arts program.

After a transformative two hundred and seventy-five day journey around the world with his family, his work began to reflect the inspiration of that time, and evolved to include acrylic and oil painting, and moved to simpler realism and abstracts. 

Throughout the course of their travels, Reymond learned how to handle a camera, feeling that this was a golden opportunity to amass a treasure trove of reference material. What he discovered was, that while this was indeed true, some photographs simply could not be improved upon, and made for beautiful and intriguing works of art in their own right. The Accidental Photographer. 

Recently he has been at work publishing the stories of his family's travels. Using his skills as an artist, photographer, and designer, he has created three beautiful and colourful books that showcase the wonder of the world around us. Book Two (India), The Happy Accident and other tales of wonder and delight is available here at Pulse Gallery. Book One (Europe and the Middle East), Today I Ate Cow Stomach, will be available in December, and Book Three (Southeast Asia), will follow in 2016.

His portrait work is said to feel so alive, it beats with its own heart. 
Reymond's work can be found in private collections around the world.

Reymond is a founding member of the South Osborne Arts Group, a group of artists that holds twice-yearly open studio tours.