Artist Information

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Cheryl Gilarski works showing throughout May

"Allusions", a special showing of the works of Manitoba artist Cheryl Gilarski by Pulse Gallery throughout May, had its opening reception on Friday, May 3.  The event was very well attended by both press and public.  
Artist Cheryl Gilarski at the "Allusions" opening reception

Cheryl's work adds to the inherent diversity of the gallery, bringing in her own idiosyncratic palette and  intensity.  Her work with animal subjects is particularly striking, using unconventional colour choices which make this usually traditional topic current and relevant.

Various works by Cheryl Gilarski, opening reception, "Allusions"
These special showings give Pulse the great pleasure of showcasing artists new to the gallery and introducing them to the gallery's followers, and to visitors at the Forks.  We encourage you to make a special visit during May to see Cheryl's work in person!

Pulse was buzzing with enthusiasm and conversation,
"Allusions" opening reception