Artist Information

Thursday, 3 October 2013

Focus on Watercolours

Watercolours abound at Pulse.   They are, in many ways, mirrors of our souls and experiences.  They can subtly depict scenes of fantasy or evoke memories of places we have been. With their unique quality of translucence and depth they can be realistic or impressionistic, capturing a moment or experience, transporting the viewer to another place and time.  We are currently displaying many thematically diverse pieces encompassing the full spectrum…. from tranquil, serene lake and prairie scenes to vibrant, colourful urban scenes, to figures caught up in the dance, full of movement and emotion.  We invite you to drop in and experience our collection.

"Where Birches Whisper", Joanne Harris (watercolour on canvas, 40"x60")
"Good Night Prairie", Joanne Harris (watercolour)

"Birch Cove", Joane Harris (watercolour)
"Indigo Street", watercolour

"Before the Crowd", watercolour
"Shades of Scarlet, Tara Revisited", watercolour

"Blue Tango", watercolour

Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Just in case you missed our Culture Days Schedule on Facebook, here it is again…!

September 27: Bill Shoup (clay) 1-3 pm; Genevie Henderson 3-5 pm
September 28: Wendy Seversen (chainmail) 1-3 pm; Bill Shoup (clay) 2-4 pm; Naomi Gerrard 3-5 pm
September 29: Genevie Henderson 1-3 pm; Bill Shoup (painting) 3-5 pm; Wendy Severse
n (chainmail) 2-4 pm
About Culture Days in Manitoba 
Culture Days invites everyone to explore, discover and participate in arts and culture in every community across the country. In 2012, the third annual Culture Days event took place in more than 850 Canadian cities and towns, with attendance topping 1.6 million Canadians. 

This year’s Culture Days weekend will take place on September 27, 28 and 29, 2013. Once again, the event will feature free, hands-on, interactive activities that invite the public to participate “behind the scenes”—and to discover the world of artists, creators, historians, architects, curators, and designers at work in their community.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Beauty by the Brushstroke - Kathleen Crosby

Winnipeg Artist Kathleen Crosby hosts her premiere exhibition at Pulse Gallery, throughout the month of October 2013.  The reception will be at Pulse Gallery on October 11, from 7-9 pm.  

Inline image 2 
Beauty by the Brushstroke
Pulse Gallery spoke with Kathleen Crosby about her upcoming exhibition  "Beauty by the Brushstroke".  When asked for a few words, Kathleen hesitates, and then says quietly, “I’m not a good explainer.”  For Kathleen, the creative process is an intensely emotional and spiritual one, and she mentions that it's difficult to speak about or even understand this aspect of one's self. 
When pressed, however, she haltingly attempts to give some insight into her processes.  "I am trying to encourage the viewer to take notice of the details, the deeper meanings of life.  Also, I want to show life’s energy—unseen energy of emotions, even the energy of what hope would be, the energy of love...  I want to put in what the eye can't see, what the heart knows.  It comes from the spirit and the heart."
Kathleen takes inspiration from nature in all its manifestations -- from physics, science, and the universe itself.  She speaks about trying to capture the cycle of life, and how everything connects together.   
Kathleen's work for the upcoming show is a combination of representational and abstract, including some architecture and landscape pieces. 
Winnipegger Kathleen Crosby fulfilled a lifelong desire when she began to paint professionally in 2007.  Kathleen continually researches, studies, and experiments at producing work that is complex and mysterious, while simultaneously emitting a sense of simplicity, beauty, colour, and joy. She also devotes time to teaching workshops to young aspiring artists.

Her works have been exhibited with the Manitoba Society of Artists and are owned in private collections throughout the country.  A triptych by Kathleen Crosby was unveiled this year in the lobby of the new Mental Health Crisis Response Centre at the Health Science Centre in Winnipeg.  Kathleen can usually be found painting in her Winnipeg Exchange District studio.  Her work can be viewed at Pulse Gallery in the Johnston Terminal at The Forks, Winnipeg.

Thursday, 8 August 2013

Colour is everything!

If you visit our gallery often, you will have noticed that we move things around constantly.  Different arrangements, different light conditions, adjacency to different wall colours and textures--all make a difference to how a potential buyer will view a piece of art or an artisan item.  Frequently we have had an item in the gallery for a while, and once it is moved into that "perfect place", it sells right away.  I suppose that it needs to find that place where the viewer can visualize it in their own home, or in the home of a friend or family member receiving a gift.  At any rate, when you find the right placing or combination of items, it is magic.  I walked into the gallery this morning, and this placement of articles took my breath away!
A perfect vignette--"Bella Poppy" triptych (acrylic) by Dale Turner (top); left to right, ceramics by Lou Gaskin, glass by Wendy Seversen, polar bear sculpture by Bill Shoup, and glass by Wendy Seversen.

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Creative process - Kathleen Black

It is wonderful to get some insight into an artist's creative process--Kathleen Black has been so generous with the thoughts and inspiration that went into two of her new pieces. 

"Weald Grace", 36"x36", acrylic, 2013

In Kathleen's words, "My husband and I went to Cathedral Grove on Vancouver Island this spring and explored some of the trails and streams nearby. What a lovely and truly cathedral place it is. The day was overcast with some rain and mist, not warm but not cold. It glowed with a wet luminous green and yellow light. There was not a lot of light but so much of it everywhere.The trees do appear to be columns. The carpet red,  blue water and shadow and green velvet moss. I could live there."

"Green and Red Wood", 40"x40", acrylic, glass beads, glass stringers and resin, 2013

"This is an image of some trees off the hiking path walking up Mt. Douglas on Vancouver Island. Again overcast with mist and some rain. Glass stringers simulate the rain.  Glass beads hang onto the edges of everything. This adds not only to the texture but shines, glows, disappears in some light to appear again with a different light.The trees are very textured and come out from the canvas. The purple gray shadows in the birches remind me of parisian light on a cloudy day. The birches push forward and the red woods and cedars stand so firmly in most of the painting."

Our photos give just a glimpse of the complexity of these pieces; full of light and colour, and glimpses of transparency.  The air itself is a presence in Kathleen's work.

Thursday, 6 June 2013

Pulse -- A perfect place to find that thoughtful wedding gift

We are now in the midst of spring, and our thoughts turn toward the beauty of spring and summer weddings. Nothing can be more thoughtful than the gift of a lovingly handmade art piece or artisan item.

We invite you to wander through our small and friendly gallery and consider a handmade, locally-produced piece of functional art for your gift-giving this summer!

Sculpture by Angus Braid, table runner by Sandra Wiebe,
turned wood bowl by  Steve Hanchuk, recycled glass tray by Wendy Seversen

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Cheryl Gilarski works showing throughout May

"Allusions", a special showing of the works of Manitoba artist Cheryl Gilarski by Pulse Gallery throughout May, had its opening reception on Friday, May 3.  The event was very well attended by both press and public.  
Artist Cheryl Gilarski at the "Allusions" opening reception

Cheryl's work adds to the inherent diversity of the gallery, bringing in her own idiosyncratic palette and  intensity.  Her work with animal subjects is particularly striking, using unconventional colour choices which make this usually traditional topic current and relevant.

Various works by Cheryl Gilarski, opening reception, "Allusions"
These special showings give Pulse the great pleasure of showcasing artists new to the gallery and introducing them to the gallery's followers, and to visitors at the Forks.  We encourage you to make a special visit during May to see Cheryl's work in person!

Pulse was buzzing with enthusiasm and conversation,
"Allusions" opening reception

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


We are pleased to present the works of Cheryl Gilarski throughout the month of May, and invite you to join us for the artist reception on May 3.

With colour and texture, Cheryl achieves fugitive and ephemeral imagery, as thought-provoking as it is beautiful.

Born in Ontario and raised in Manitoba, Cheryl Gilarski has been commissioned to create murals and paintings throughout Canada and the United States.  Her work ranges from realism to the abstract.  Her love of nature and passion for the outdoors defines her work.

Cheryl enjoys the exploration of simplifying the complex.  Art is more than images.  It is an intimate connection to our surroundings.  You can step into Cheryl's works and experience your own interpretations.

These photos are a "sneak-peek" of what will be available for viewing throughout May.  We hope that you can join us at the Forks for a closer look at Cheryl's work, and the work of all of our artists and artisans--celebrate the diversity of Manitoban talent!

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

The Carefree Innocence of a Child's Summer

Art is at its best when it calls to the heart.  The artist's route to the emotions is often through personal and evocative imagery of moments past.  Naomi Gerrard's new work focuses on such fragments of time, capturing images of childhood with an acute eye and her peerless style.  Despite the subject matter, there is a compelling sparseness and unsentimentality about Naomi's work.

We are delighted to have these works available for viewing at our gallery--we hope that you can come to see these new canvases in person.

Canal Builders, acrylic, 10"x30"

Puddle Pleasure, acrylic, 24"x24"

Swinging Friends, acrylic, 32"x40"

Thursday, 14 March 2013

"The Rainy Road to Champagne", Kathleen Black

We asked Kathleen for her thoughts about one of the pieces she recently brought into the gallery. She responded with some lovely insights into her creative process…
This is inspired by a photo I took out of the car window on the way to Champagne, France. That whizzing by you fell in a car. It was a bit rainy but the sky was that beautiful yellow. This painting worked well as the resin becomes that car window I looked through with the glass strings glowing and changing the light as rain does and the paint providing colour and form.
"The Rainy Road to Champagne", Kathleen Black.  Acrylic, glass, resin

Kathleen's innovative multimedia approach uses glass stringers which bring the iridescence of rain into the  painting.  It is difficult to photograph Kathleen's work because of the effect of refracted and reflected light, so it is best viewed in person--another reason why it is always worth a trip to visit us at Pulse Gallery!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Special event at Pulse Gallery--Lou Gaskin

We are always getting new works in by our group of artists and artisans, so a visit to our gallery is full of new discoveries.  However, a few times throughout the year we hold special events focussing on an artist who is new to the gallery, or who has a body of work he or she might want to reveal and spotlight.

During the month of March, Pulse Gallery puts this spotlight on Manitoba artist Lou Gaskin.  Having built a successful career with her unique pottery, raku and sculpture, Lou Gaskin has at long last returned to her first artistic passion - painting.  Join us Friday, March 15th from 7-9 p.m. to view "In Her Minds' Eye" - a showcase of Lou Gaskins' skillful use of colour, texture and tones on canvas.  

In her words, "The exhibition, titled 'In My Mind's Eye', features an extensive portrayal of the artist's interpretation of her personal interaction with nature through floral and scenic scenes. Her adept hand skillfully creates tangible textures of flower petals and blowing prairie grasses.  Haunting use of hue and light transform traditional imagery into current examinations of our relationships with organic materials, seeming to warn of the eminent need to capture and behold the fleeting world of nature's own handiwork."

Lou has recently become an artisan at Pulse, and we have enjoyed displaying her beautiful ceramic pieces.  We're very excited to also celebrate her works on canvas during March.  

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Falling in Love with the Feminine

We are pleased to host Winnipeg artist Sarah Welsh Johnston for her show "Falling in Love with the Feminine".  The very successful opening reception was on the evening of Friday, February 8, and the show runs through the month of February.  

In Sarah's own words, "When I create, I work intuitively, from my subconscious experience of the feminine with references to the forces of nature. I sometimes incorporate found objects in my work using several layers of mixed media in an organic abstract manner."

"Prom", Sarah Welsh Johnston, ink, oil pastel, charcoal, chalk, nail polish, acrylic, fabriano paper, 45"x57"

Wednesday, 6 February 2013


I know it's been a while since the last post, (I know!) which obviously means I have a lot to inform you about!

All in due time of course, but most importantly we've signed a fantastic, new Winnipeg artist to the Gallery this month!  It is always such a delight when we sign new artists, and this time is no exception! Please welcome Genevie Henderson!

Ancient Horse in Gold - acrylic 24"x12" 

Her works are vibrant and without a doubt fit right at home amongst all the talented and diverse artists we already showcase.  She paints colourful impressionism, abstract, figurative and cultural art, with an array of media giving her that unique touch while keeping it made-in-Manitoba!

Somewhere on the Coast - acrylic 30"x40"

I must admit, I catch myself daydreaming of my own travels when I look at her pieces. There's something so inviting about the look of calm waters disappearing into the horizon.  The playful colours in her water lilies remind me of my canoe trips through swamp waters and cat tails while the frogs sang to each other.

Leo Mol Water Lily Garden - acrylic 36"x30"

Its these types of emotions and memories that make art so captivating and desirable. We have such a fantastic art scene in Winnipeg, do take the time to bask in it! You might be intrigued by what you see. 

Check back soon! I will be posting more pictures of our artisans' works - wood, fabric, glass, clay - and we have an event to talk about too "Falling in Love with the Feminine" Feb 8 @ 7 pm! Yes, it's 2 days away and already half the art being showcased has sold!!!!